Ethiopia, Timkat ceremony

I chose Ethiopia to experience the Coptic Epiphany of the Orthodox Church, which in the Amharic language is called Timkat from the ancient imperial capital, Gondar.

Inside each church they were preparing to take out the Tabot, a replica of the Ark of the Covenant, where the Tablets of the 10 Commandments are located.

The ark is carried on the head of a priest. Wrapped in colorful velvet fabrics, like the suits worn by priests, deacons and other ecclesiastical leaders, along with the faithful who go out into the street to accompany them singing lively songs.

And now in procession they will go down three kilometers to the pond of King Faisides. At dawn a mass begins, which is when the faithful are dressed in white and carry lit candles and open Bibles in their hands. The effect of the candlelight reflected on their faces full of faith is really very difficult to explain.

And towards dawn the highest ecclesiastical authorities of Gondar surround the pool together with the deacons and all the representatives of the six churches to culminate the party by celebrating the Divine Liturgy. Thus they commemorate the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River. After a sermon, the waters are blessed and sprinkled by the participants, who are invited to renew their baptismal promises by immersion.

But there is always a Tabot left in the pool of King Faisilides. They save it for the next day, Saint Michael’s day, the patron saint of the most important church in Gondar. The color of the procession is still magnificent, while there is a huge festive atmosphere. The struggle to get the best images is intense, and I feel truly privileged to be there experiencing it with my own eyes.


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