Press clippings and interviews that I have given to the press 

“Jordi Llorens i Estapé is a young man from Granollers, to whom his impulse to learn about other cultures and worlds have turned into a great traveller. His travels have led him to more than eighty countries […]. In addition, when he comes back, he opens our windows to the whole world by means of his photographic exhibitions”.

Do you always travel alone?

Yes. I travel alone because I do not like being alone. When you go alone, you have the opportunity to get to know a lot of people, and have a better aptitude to open up to others that if you are accompanied by another person. On the other hand, people tend to invite and host you more often, and thus, you can live together with them and get an idea of how they live. […]

One of the worst things about the journeys is that you meet very interesting people, to whom you know that you will never see them again.

 Descobrir Catalunya

«Viatgers d’avui» by Lurdes Rego


[…] “I was with the King of Tonga”, lets fly Llorens suddenly, mentioning it in passing. “His name is Tufou IV; on 4th July was his birthday, I went to the celebration and could get an audience. He told me that he was a great friend of Juan Carlos I, and gave me a letter for him with the instruction of delivering it in person, which he must have thought that it was very difficult. So, I contacted the Spanish Royal House, and I am waiting that the King receives me.” […] Llorens is a lover of Pacific Ocean cultures. […] “I am traveller first and a travel reporter second”, points out Jordi Llorens.”

 El País

«The culture»
by Jacinto Antón


“[…] Curiosity, the desire to discover different cultures and the need to break the routine have led Jordi Llorens i Estapé to travel to more than eighty countries. On his last voyage on the Southern Seas, he perceived the contrasts—he talked with the King of Tonga, during the pomps to celebrate his birthday, and on the island of Tanna, in the archipelago of Vanuatu, he lived together with the Small Nambas tribe. […] He considers that “there are still paradises to discover, especially in the Pacific; a lot of places are not on the map, there are some islands where boats only go every two months, or even every six months.”

After more than twenty years of travels, he has taken thousands of photos, which he uses to stage exhibitions and audiovisuals. He says, “My dream is to make a living from travelling, by pursuing to become a documentary filmmaker.” […] “The only expensive part is the plane ticket, and then, if you live like the locals it is cheap. I do not need so much to enjoy the country.”

La Vanguardia
«Viajeros» by Rosa Maria Bosch


“Jordi Llorens is a citizen of the world, a traveller in the broad sense of the word; a careful observer, with a constant desire to see, learn and share it afterwards. He has translated some of his best photos into several exhibitions and has recreated them in several audiovisuals too, in which one can appreciate a repeated element in his travels—the respect that he feels for the locals, for people and for their diversity. A respect that those of us who have travelled around the globe, far and wide, through the most exotic and inhospitable places, have always shown, and which we should continue to show for guaranteeing a world in peace and cooperation, living in harmony, and mutual tolerance.

He transmits his passion for travelling and discovering old cultures and far horizons, and spreads to the spectators this fascination for throwing himself into the search for new sensations and new emotions, in the midst of ancestral traditions, which are able to seduce even the most critical of us.”

Josep A. Pujante
Founding member of the Sociedad Geográfica Española


What is the difference between traveller and tourist?

The traveller discovers things, and the tourist usually finds them.

 Can we all be travellers?

 Yes, but one should not have many qualms since often it is necessary to sleep in any place and eat what one can.

If you had to choose your favourite place …

 The Pacific Ocean area. Its culture is extraordinary. Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia look a bit like the paradise must be, surely. 

Revista del Vallès
by Paco Monja


“At this meeting, the traveller Jordi Llorens i Estapé will show us an audiovisual about the Galapagos. It is a montage of images and music so that we can enjoy. For him, travelling is not only a hobby, but a way of understanding the life. He has been able to combine his trips with the passion for photography, thanks to which he has won several awards. Currently, he has an archive of 65.000 slides. Also, he is a great expert in the preparation of audiovisuals and exhibitions about his journeys.”

 Besides the Pacific Ocean, is there any corner in the world of these eighty countries you have visited, on which you are interested in a special way?

 I would like to be able to take a piece of each country I have visited in my life and create my own country.

 Is it necessary to have a lot of money to make the trips that you do?

No. Not so much as anyone could imagine. In general, one has in mind the prices of the agency’s brochures […]. For travelling and not drain your wallet, what is necessary is to change our mindset and adapt oneself to the lifestyle of each country we visit, and forgetting the comforts we have here at home. If it is not possible to rent a car, one travels on public transport, although one may travel a bit more slowly. The most expensive thing is the ticket to the destination, but once there, it is not expensive, as long as we are people with few qualms and can adapt ourselves to each situation. It is the best way of travelling and knowing the country we visit.

La Trobada
by Sònia Perelló. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


Has changed your worldview the fact of having travelled to over eighty countries across the five continents?

Travelling has taught me to be more tolerant, and understanding that one can be happy with very little. I have found this happiness meeting places and people foreign to my environment, such as the Small Nambas tribe of the Tanna Island, in Vanuatu. I went back to prehistory with them.

La Vanguardia
«Pulso ciudadano» by Alicia Jasanada